Friday 21 December 2012

Miss Dinosaur;

Seems I've been living in the darker times....I've finally set up a bloglovin' button on my main blog! (over at Wordpress).

Just click the little image below & we'll be good to go!

Follow on Bloglovin

Saturday 7 July 2012

The one where I whore my other blog at Wordpress;

Now I don't know about you but I didn't realise this option existed until today.

You can follow wordpress blogs on blogger!

Here's how:

Go to your reading list and on the left hand side, there's that little 'add' button

Then type in '' and click follow!

& I will love you forever!

Saturday 12 May 2012

25 things to do by my 25th birthday;

So far I've made a list of 15 things to accomplish, check it out HERE.

Idea kindly provided by Anna at Lifes Shiny Pretty Things.